In the News: California’s LGBTQ+ kids in the crosshairs as a surge of bills targeting gender identity reaches record high

Our director of our LGBTQ Programs recently spoke with The San Jose Mercury News about the increasing number of California bills focused on gender identity.

Adrienne Keel, the director of programs at the LGBTQ Youth Space in San Jose, used to coordinate a support group for young people at the city’s Independence High School. For years, Keel said, students would tell her that the group was not just the only reason they came to school — it was the only reason they got out of bed that morning.

“Having a safe adult at school is everything,” said Keel. “If young people do not have confidential spaces where they can talk about how they’re feeling, that has devastating impacts.”

Please read the entire article here.

In the News: Petition demands San Jose school district support LGBTQ students

Our director of our LGBTQ Programs recently spoke with San Jose Spotlight about a petition circulating that demands the San Jose School District support LGBTQ students.

Adrienne Keel, director of LGBTQ programs for mental health nonprofit Caminar, said schools can be the only safe space for students who can’t turn to their families. Yet, districts are reluctant to make public statements or support LGBTQ students for fear of backlash from community members who don’t share the same views, Keel added.

“What is being proposed (in the petition) is, for me, pretty low-hanging fruit in terms of what schools should be doing,” Keel told San José Spotlight. “Schools have a lot of power… They’re not exclusively academic spaces."

Please read the entire article, which includes more quotes from Adrienne.

In the News: H.O.P.E. connects with Fairfield’s low-income and homeless communities

Caminar's Resource Connect Solano team participated in Fairfield Police Department’s Homeless Intervention team's annual free resource event, the Homeless Outreach Partnership Event (H.O.P.E.), in early March. The Reporter documented the importance of H.O.P.E. and the volunteers who came to offer resources for food, public safety services, health, housing, and more. 

Please read the full story here

A Message from Mark: The Oppression of Gun Violence

Dear Caminar Community,

The seemingly unstoppable commission of gun violence is far too often, always devastating, and – ultimately – preventable. Two mass shootings over two days in California are two too many, and I write to you again with anguish over these senseless acts. 

Lunar New Year’s Eve in Monterey Park, a predominantly Asian community, or anywhere, should only be a time of safe celebration with friends and family. This year is the year of Rabbit, predicted to be the year of hope. Instead, the needless shootings on the eve of the year of the Rabbit brought unthinkable tragedy.  

And in our own backyard, in Half Moon Bay where many in our community live and work, a disgruntled worker opened fire. He took the lives of his colleagues where they work and live on an otherwise mundane Monday afternoon.  

That we live in a world where going to a celebration, work, or just being at home (or going to the grocery store, enjoying a Saturday night in your community, etc.) makes one vulnerable to gun violence is wholly unacceptable.  

As I have written too many times before, these devastating attacks were preventable. Or, at least reduceable. It is time to address the policies, beliefs, and behaviors that allow gun violence to flourish. 

Please, be gentle with yourselves and seek support if you need it. Thank you for supporting your colleagues, the clients we serve, and our community in this extraordinarily grim time. 

With deep care and concern,

Mia and Roberto's Story: A Family's Journey to Mental Health and Well-Being

Mia, a 17-year-old San Jose high school student, was called into her principal's office because her grades were declining. Mia shared that her worsening grades resulted from a deep concern for—and anxiety about—her father’s severe depression.  

Fortunately, her principal immediately connected Mia and her father, Roberto, with our Wellness Program, which provided a source of stability and hope for Mia and case management and clinical support for Roberto. 
Please enjoy their recent video detailing their mental health and well-being journey.

Will's Story: Caminar Gave Me a Space to Thrive

Will Couch's passion for service work led him back to Caminar. A few years before his return, he had accessed Caminar’s substance use treatment services, programming dedicated to supporting adults in recovery from addiction. Jerry Carrera, Will's previous counselor, maintained a connection with Will well after completing the program. He recognized Will as an avid advocate for rehabilitation and knew he would be a perfect fit for Caminar's Family & Children Services division's new peer respite program, Blackbird House.   

Blackbird House is a unique program for residents of Santa Clara County who are struggling with environmental stressors or need a safe, temporary place to stay. Program staff, like Will, have lived experience and are available to offer resources, light case management, and support.

Before integrating himself in Caminar, Will served our reentry population — individuals who are in the transition from incarceration to life in the community — a population with which he personally identifies. His understanding and awareness truly empowered his role as a peer support mentor and opened doors for opportunity. For Will, taking a peer support mentor role within Caminar was a leap of faith. He consulted with his wife and sponsor before committing to the opportunity. However, expanding his reach as a mentor and joining a program from its inception felt like a great fit.  

Shortly after joining the Blackbird House team, Will was promoted to peer support lead. It was no surprise Will later stepped into a managerial role. "I was given the opportunity to be a program manager, and that is where I am now. It was pretty great, to be honest, to inherit more responsibility. To be able to lead a team and build a staff. To have my director's and upper managements trust," says Will. Today Will reflects and says, "It's been great to witness both the development of the policy and facility infrastructure! I can talk nonstop about Blackbird House. I am there more than at my regular house!" 

When asked about what helped him develop within Caminar, Will said, "My leadership team has been supportive since the beginning." Will explains that it was a pleasant surprise to experience leadership that took an interest in nurturing the great skills he came in with because it positioned him well to become a leader within Caminar. Overall, Will celebrates the welcoming culture the FCS division has proposed; the most significant aspect is that all his intersecting identities are welcome and valued within the workplace.  

No matter his title, Will prides himself in always working side by side with his team directly with the community on the "battlefield." He explains that his priority is fostering a space that celebrates autonomy and self-empowerment. Will emphasizes that being of service, self-disclosing, and honoring integrity are all cornerstones at Blackbird House. 

When Will thinks of Caminar, he thinks of a place that "positions people in a way that they will succeed." Here, he can support and advocate for the local community, experience robust leadership, and fulfill his passion. "There will always be opportunities out there, but when you are treated well and valued for who you are, it makes people want to stick around and do good work. Caminar is huge, and I am happy to be a part of it." 

As an organization Caminar applauds Will’s tenacity to empower our communities, and we are fortunate to have him as a part of our team.  

Gina's Story: Thankful to have reclaimed my power

Caminar welcomed Gina after her doctor referred her to Redwood House, Caminar’s crisis residential house in Redwood City. Prior to obtaining services, Gina was unhoused for over a month, wandering the streets, and experiencing delusions. Gina was admitted into care because of psychosis and feelings of suicide after her apartment caught fire and compromised her housing. Overnight, Gina found herself in unfamiliar and challenging circumstances, and survival mode went into effect immediately. 

In addition to coping with the loss of her home, and her son’s irreplaceable childhood mementos, Gina was also struggling with PTSD and substance use. She tells us that she was isolated and unwell for months, and the fire displacement exacerbated her condition. Gina, a survivor of abuse and kidnapping, was not prepared for what she was up against when she became unhoused.  

Gina shares, “Being outside was tough. I started stealing from stores to stay alive and keep myself clean. I didn’t want to look like a homeless person. I slept inside of a couple of people's cars and thank God they didn’t get mad at me. In my mind, it was an adventure; I would steal from this store and that store. Until I came to and realized that was no adventure. I know now it was survival.”  

While unhoused Gina questioned her worth, and the value of her life. This was the biggest heartbreak she had ever experienced. Eventually, Gina sought care, a step that led her to Caminar’s doors.  

“It feels good to have the security of knowing I have a roof over my head, and meals,” she shares. Gina is grateful that the services were given to her during a rough time in her life. Finding community was an unexpected joy Gina has experienced ever since integrating herself at Redwood House. She shares that she never thought she would establish such significant connections while in care.  

In fact, her peers are what led her to participate in Michael Collopy’s Expressive Arts Program. “The programming has encouraged me to return to my passion for art, and challenges my capabilities, and Mike has a relaxed approach.” Gina shares that the impact of the program has been eye-opening, since she found that color and illustration articulate how she feels inside.  

For Gina, a soon-to-be grandmother, taking back her power has been a repetitive theme in her life. Now, Gina makes the most of every day and is grateful to have reclaimed her life and well-being. 

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Provides Generous, Ongoing Support to Caminar

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) provided generous funding to Caminar’s San Mateo region in FY21-22 and also for the current fiscal year.  

In 2021, CZI committed $400,000 to support local mental health programs - including a $50,000 grant for Caminar.  

More recently, in November 2022, recently CZI announced $6 million in grants to organizations in San Mateo County through the CZI Community Fund. Caminar is honored to be one of the 63 recipients of the annual funding opportunity for organizations that are helping create a more socially, economically, and racially just San Mateo County.   

The Community Fund pairs grants with capacity building to support leadership and organizational development so local groups have the resources and tools they need to further their missions and work. 

Caminar is grateful for the ongoing support of CZI in our community and is delighted to partner with CZI to help address the urgent needs of our local community.   

Brandon's Story: Caminar helped me heal

Meet Brandon, a second-generation American Kenyan, older brother, and proud son of Cecilia Gichane-Bell. Earlier this year, Brandon’s life was impacted by an unexpected and overwhelming amount of grief after losing his best friend and mother, Cecilia. Incomprehensible pain and feelings of defeat and hopelessness lead young Brandon to attempt suicide.   

Thankfully, Brandon was taken into care, where he was then diagnosed with a major depressive condition and was immediately linked to supportive services. At the time, Brandon had never engaged with behavioral health services and was unaware of his diagnosis. Now three months later, he shares that programming at Caminar’s Redwood House, a residential crisis program that offers an alternative to hospitalization for individuals in the recovery process, has helped him regain his sense of worth and purpose.   

Before connecting with Caminar, Brandon says he was highly suicidal since he had “lost life as he knew it.” For Brandon, coping with grief and living in a world without his mom felt inconceivable. That is until he developed the tools to independently reframe his perspective and welcome the idea that no one could replace his mother or the unique life experience they shared. Today, Brandon chooses to honor his mom by respecting the feelings of sorrow that emerge because of her physical absence. He shares that this shift in mindset allows for memories of them to elicit feelings of happiness.   

Over the last three months, Brandon has integrated himself into the Redwood House community, participated in support groups, and added coping skills to his toolbox. More significantly, Brandon says that “this experience has made me a better person. I am able to wake up happy, have a sense of worth and purpose, and be a productive member of society.” Brandon thoughtfully explained that Caminar helped him focus on what matters, helped him find the drive to overcome obstacles, and that gives him hope that he can navigate life alone.  

“Caminar taught me that it is okay to ask for help, that there is no shame in being lost. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes we just close our eyes and do not see it. I have been able to open my eyes here and be taught things I never thought I could be taught. I can identify how I feel and have learned how to feel!”  

When asked about his experience with Caminar’s Expressive Arts Program, he said the program helped him exercise a muscle that had not been active since high school. “One day, I decided to paint Van Gogh’s Starry Night, and from then, I was committed to painting once a day!” For Brandon, art has been an escape from reality. In fact, he says that art helps him trick his brain into thinking he is back in high school when his reality was different.  

As a person who struggles to trust people, Brandon shares that it feels great to be able to express his feelings and talents without fear of rejection. “Mike helps me embrace my talents and accept that I am talented,” says Brandon about Michael Collopy, Expressive Arts teaching artist, and a world-renowned photographer.

Overall, Brandon says that his encounters with Caminar staff have allowed him to work through his distrust of people and return to the version of himself that can connect with others more fluidly.   

While services have only been extended to Brandon, the impact of accessing services seems to have had a further reach. Brandon admits that talking about mental health at home seemed out of reach, and now he can facilitate a conversation about mental health with his younger brother. He actively works towards destigmatizing perspectives around medication and seeking care and does his best to ensure his brother is comfortable talking about his physical and mental wellness. Brandon shares that these conversations have helped them grow and be healthy people who can express their feelings and feel safe doing so.  

Today Brandon meets with peace knowing he had Cecilia as his mother and is happy knowing she is back where the journey started, secure, at home, resting in tranquility in Kenya.