Josh grew up in an area in which gang life was prevalent, and he became involved at an early age. As a result, he was locked up in fifth grade, and again in high school. As an adult, he was in and out of prison. Until just a few months ago.
Upon his release from California State prison in the fall of 2024, Josh was connected with Caminar’s Supportive Transition Empowerment Program (STEP), which brings services to individuals experiencing substance use issues in justice involved settings and collaborates with families and social systems to prepare a client for reentry into the community.
Now, at 43, Josh has been out of prison for five months, clean for over three years, reconnected with kids and a grandbaby, and is more mature and ready to make a difference. He credits the combination of his new maturity and mindset, along with all the support and guidance of STEP, for setting him on his new path.
Currently, with the help of STEP, he is rebuilding his life. In addition to his current employment, he is working to obtain his class-A license to become a truck driver.
Josh says the STEP team has done wonders for him; they have made his transition to home life easier, and they are here for him with assistance and guidance. Josh is grateful for the help of STEP and looks forward to a thriving future.