Funding Reallocation for COVID: The Crucial Role Played by Peninsula Health Care District  

Peninsula Health Care District, which focuses on initiatives that support the health needs of district residents within San Bruno, Millbrae, Burlingame, Hillsborough, San Mateo, and Foster City communities, has assisted Caminar in launching programs and partnered with us on grants for a decade ($400,000+).

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Due to the pandemic and massive disruptions, Peninsula Health Care District allowed Caminar and other grantees to reallocate 2020 grant funding. A grant originally designated for Caminar’s health and wellness program could be used for anything related to COVID. Our leadership reassessed immediate priorities and reallocated this $30,000 grant to ensure safe operations during the pandemic.

Helen Galligan, R.N., Board Vice-Chair and Community Health Investment Committee Chair with Peninsula Health Care District explains:  

“We quickly determined that we could help ensure organizational stability and help with the fight against the spread of COVID-19 for our community partners by allowing flexibility with the funding we had granted. The Board lifted restrictions from existing grant commitments for all of our community partners, including Caminar. This was one of the ways the District immediately took action to help our community partners respond to the pandemic." 

Caminar’s leaders were grateful to have the District’s help in navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. Grant reallocation supported investments that helped Caminar remain an essential health care provider in this community and to meet clients’ needs. We addressed multiple, unexpected demands associated with the pandemic such as purchasing personal protective equipment for clients and staff, implementing infection control measures throughout Caminar, and augmenting telehealth capacities. Having these flexible funds was immensely valuable and enabled Caminar to rebound quickly. 

Honoring Black History Month and Raising Awareness about African American Mental Health

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As we honor Black history during February, we also take this opportunity to raise awareness of mental health in the Black community. Communities of color have historically faced unique difficulties in accessing mental and behavioral health care, which is further compounded by stigma. 

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health details how African Americans are impacted by mental and behavioral health challenges:

  • Poverty level affects mental health status. African Americans living below the poverty level, as compared to those over twice the poverty level, are twice as likely to report psychological distress.

  • In 2017, suicide was the second leading cause of death for African Americans, ages 15 to 24.

  • The death rate from suicide for African American men was more than four times greater than for African American women in 2017.

  • However, the overall suicide rate for African Americans is 60 percent lower than that of the non-Hispanic white population.

  • African American females, grades 9-12, were 70 percent more likely to attempt suicide in 2017, as compared to non-Hispanic white females of the same age.

  • A report from the U.S. Surgeon General found that from 1980 - 1995, the suicide rate among African Americans ages 10 to 14 increased 233 percent, as compared to 120 percent of non-Hispanic whites.

To further the discussion about African American mental and behavioral health, here are a few useful resources

We hope the discussion of mental health in the African American community, and across all communities, continues. Together, we can increase awareness of mental health wellness, and support and empower vulnerable members of our communities.

From Mark: Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

This weekend, we celebrate the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Dr. King’s work to make bare the effects of segregation and racism on Black Americans remains even more relevant today. Dr. King made us face the dehumanizing effects of segregation on Black Americans and offered a religious and civic vision of what true equality and a loving community could be.

His practice of non-violence highlighted the cruelty of racism by organizing, preaching, and protesting in a way that brought public attention to the violence African Americans faced while asserting their humanity and dignity. He spoke with a moral clarity that demanded that America look at it’s past and present institutional and personal practices that denied Black Americans their human and civil rights. Dr. King challenged the government and our society to make good on liberty and justice for all as enshrined in our oaths and documents. His commitment and tactics of non-violence led him to be beaten, jailed, and ultimately murdered for bearing witness to the truth.

His work is not finished. Monday is not just a day off from work; it is a reminder to reflect and recommit to building a just and inclusive America and a just and inclusive workplace.

Warm regards,



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Caminar is pleased to announce we are a proud signatory of the Nonprofit Racial Equity Pledge.

 A collective of Bay Area nonprofits working towards racial justice, spearheaded by the Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits (SVCN), crafted this pledge.

 "As members of this community and as nonprofit leaders, we both recognize these inequities and commit to action for racial justice. We pledge to take anti-racist stances in our community, and to incorporate core values of racial equity, inclusion, and diversity in our organizations."

We invite you to sign the pledge here. Both individual and organizational signatories are welcomed.

Support Caminar Through Amazon Smile

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AmazonSmile is a simple way for to support Caminar every time you shop, at no cost to you!

Just signing up? When first visiting AmazonSmile, you will be prompted to select a charitable organization - just select Caminar and for eligible purchases through AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to Caminar.

Need to change donations to Caminar? Sign in to AmazonSmile, from your desktop or mobile browser. From your desktop, go to Your Account and select the option to Change your Charity. From your mobile browser, select Change your Charity from the options at the bottom of the page. Next, select Caminar to support.

For more information, please visit

With gratitude to the SAMCAR Foundation


Caminar is so very grateful to SAMCAR Foundation for their ongoing support of our services in San Mateo County.  On December 17, 2020, the SAMCAR Foundation Trustees approved Q4 grants to three organizations, including a $3,000 grant to Caminar.  

The San Mateo County Association of REALTORS® Foundation fundraises year-round through online auctions, funding drives, and via online contributions. Members of the SAMCAR Foundation use the donated fund for grants, and members can also make direct contributions to charities. The foundation selects nonprofit organizations that they know will make a positive difference in the quality of life for people throughout San Mateo County, and they also fund scholarships. Valuable infusions of funds from professional groups and trade associations like the SAMCAR Foundation have helped to ensure that more resources are available for Caminar clients. 

In a recent communication, Elmer G. Martinez, Chair of the SAMCAR Foundation, shared:  

“We are proud to be able to assist Caminar with its goal to serve people.”  

Caminar will use SAMCAR’s $3,000 grant to ensure San Mateo County clients are housed, continue to seek care from our licensed professionals, and gain skills for greater wellness and increased independence. With these grant funds, Caminar’s staff members will deliver care to clients in residential facilities, Caminar’s supported housing sites, and sober living homes in San Mateo County.  Longstanding partners like SAMCAR Foundation, which are deeply rooted in the community, are key to Caminar’s success in creating brighter futures for individuals, families, and our communities. 

In a post announcing the Q4 grants, the SAMCAR Foundation wrote: 

“Caminar has a positive reputation and a track record of more than 56 years of success in behavioral health care with their Supported Housing program. Their clients gain access to subsidized rental units and shared housing through partnerships with the Housing Authority and San Mateo County Behavior Health and Recovery Services. Caminar is aligned with the SAMCAR Foundation's vision in terms of meeting urgent housing needs, ensuring affordable rental units are available in San Mateo County and reducing homelessness, poverty and mental illness to raise overall standards of living in local communities.” 

We are honored the SAMCAR Foundation Trustees have once again invested in Caminar and our community. 

With Warm Thanks to Experience Church

Our Solano Region was delighted to receive 150 warm coats and jackets from Experience Church in Fairfield. These much-needed coats were distributed across all of our Solano County programs and were appreciated by our clients. During a cold and dark time, this gesture of compassion warmed hearts and bodies. We are so very grateful!

For You: Our #GratitudeTuesday Appreciation 


Today is #GivingTuesday, a day focused on giving back to our communities. Your ongoing generosity helped us choose to celebrate #GratitudeTuesday, a day that comes from the heart, and express our sincere gratitude to you.
We celebrate you, our supporters and donors, for giving from your heart to transform the lives of individuals and families in our community. Because of you, our most vulnerable neighbors can reduce their suffering from mental health and substance use disorders, regain hope, and mend broken hearts.  

Thank you for your kindness, compassion, and generosity — it means the world to us. Please stay healthy and safe this holiday season.  

The #GivingTuesday gift of mental health care 


Today is #GivingTuesday, a day focused on giving back to our communities. Right now, there’s a dramatic increase in need for mental health and substance use services as a result of the pandemic. But there’s hope and you can make a difference.  

Will you support the Caminar Mental Health Regional Response Fund for crucial mental health and substance use services for Bay Area families and adults who are in crisis, or in recovery from a crisis?  
Now, more than ever, access to care saves lives. Your donation today can help reduce suffering from mental health and substance use disorders, give hope, and mend broken hearts. 

Thank you for your kindness! Please stay healthy and safe this holiday season. 

Mark's Six Tips to Improve Emotional Health and Bolster Immune Functioning

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Mark has shared his six tips to improve emotional health and bolster immune functioning before, but we encourage you to review them again and work towards them:

1. Connect regularly with family and friends. A virtual conversation is better than no conversation.

2. Exercise at least 60 minutes a day. Note this doesn’t mean 60 minutes of continuous exercise, rather the total amount accumulated throughout your day.

3. Sleep at least seven to eight hours a night in a cool and dark place. Turn off light-emitting devices two hours before bedtime for the best sleep.

4. Practice mindfulness 20 minutes a day to find comfort in the present moment.

5. Eat healthy, whole foods that nourish and fuel your body for optimal performance. Similarly, consider increasing water intake and decreasing consumption of sugar-laden, caffeinated, or alcoholic beverages.

6. Seek mental health support if you notice persistent or increasing symptoms. Please contact your health care provider to be connected to a mental health professional. If you are in crisis, please contact a crisis hotline.

In the News: Working together for a better tomorrow

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With sincere thanks to Belmont Vice-Mayor Charles Stone and Carole Groom for their local leadership and their important and heartfelt sentiments on "Working together for a better tomorrow."

We agree that "Nothing feeds the soul like helping others," and are grateful for the suggestion to look for ways to find good in our world and consider giving back to the community through nonprofits like ours.

We invite you to read the piece here.

A Solano Community Foundation Grant Eases the Transition from the Street to Stable Housing

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Caminar recently received a Solano Community Foundation grant (2020–2021). The $10,000 COVID-19 Emergency Response Grant, allocated from a special COVID-19 fund, will deliver direct benefits to individuals and families experiencing homelessness and also participating in Caminar’s Bridge Housing program.

Caminar is actively navigating individuals and families to supportive housing, and permanent housing. Although we work quickly, there are gaps between when the client needs to be housed and when a new unit or home is ready to be occupied. Staff have no resources set aside to pay for single resident occupancy rooms, motels or other short-term housing, and our clients and their families are deeply distressed when there are unexpected delays. Caminar will now be able to assist clients with essential needs and household expenses. Support will include funding for housing (temporary room and board or rent) and other basic needs; household items, nutrition, clothing, and personal care items.

Becky Gaba, PhD, Executive Director of the Northern California region explains the positive impact and relief that Solano County clients will feel from this grant:

“[Your grant is] a significant resource for those moving from a short-term housing solution into suitable, permanent housing… helping to cover the cost of first-month rent and the purchase of necessary move-in supplies.”

With this generous grant from the Solano Community Foundation, housing delays and potential risks are greatly reduced. We look forward to passing this benefit on to clients. We would like to thank the Solano Community Foundation for this infusion of funds, so very appreciated by our staff and clients during this uncertain year.


Enjoying the Therapeutic Power of the Arts

Our Expressive Arts program continues to bring community, music, and art to clients in our Residential Houses, though they now happen virtually. Despite the virtual format, clients continue to engage in the workshops and express their thoughts and feelings through their art. Please enjoy these recent works of art.

10th Annual In Concert with Caminar: What a Night!

Dave Clark of KTVU-TV, our emcee, and Mark Cloutier, Caminar CEO

Dave Clark of KTVU-TV, our emcee, and Mark Cloutier, Caminar CEO

We are so grateful to all who joined us on Saturday, October 10, 2020, virtually, for the 10th annual In Concert with Caminar. What a night!

Our special emcee, Dave Clark, from KTVU-TV, brought his amazing warmth, charisma, energy, and incredible compassion. What an honor to have him back for the second year in a row!

Sheléa was - once again - fabulous! She shared her incredible talent, as well as her inner and outer beauty with us. She made us smile, she reminded us that we are enough, and she delighted with her incredible voice and range. We loved every minute!

As for our sponsors and donors, THANK YOU! You are made a difference by funding the Caminar Mental Health Regional Response Fund. Your generosity will help us meet the rising demand to provide crucial mental health services for Bay Area families and individuals who are in crisis right now. Thank you for ensuring we can continue to adapt in this crisis and continue to provide individuals with science-based, compassionate treatment and recovery services tailored to their needs, strengths, and goals.

You all made the 10th annual In Concert with Caminar a tremendous success and a fun and exciting night. Thank you!

 With Special Thanks

 Our Co-Chairs
Linda Leao and Carole Middleton 

Our Honorary Committee
Betsy Pace 
Lori Paulin 
Steve and Patty Porter 
Ted Robinson 
Tze Pin Tai and David Tai 
Pat and Steve Way 
Carol and Roy Whitfield 
Vivienne Virani 

Selected Photos of the Virtual Event with Thanks to Michael Collopy
