Supported Education Team Participates in YANovCon 2019

Jerry Hill with the Caminar information table set up and ready  to share our work.

Jerry Hill with the Caminar information table set up and ready to share our work.

Our Supported Education team was delighted to participate in the community fair at last weekend’s Young Adult Novelist Convention (YANovCon) 2019.

Held at the Millbrae Library, YANovCon included outreach events at local middle and high schools, youth detention centers, and a foster care facility on Friday, January 25, and a large free event on Saturday, January 26, with author panels and much more.

The theme of YANovCon 2019 focused on family problems and associated teen trauma. We were invited to participate in the event given our commitment to empowering and supporting youth, individuals, and families in the Bay Area.

Much gratitude to Jerry Hill from our Supported Education team for providing these photos and staffing the Caminar information table.

View of the VANovCon community fair on Saturday, January 26.

View of the VANovCon community fair on Saturday, January 26.