CEO Letter Board Chair Letter Financials Need Impact Spotlight Donors and Funders

Letter from our Board Chair

Dear Supporters of Caminar,

After five years as a Caminar board member, I was elected board chair at the start of the 2022 calendar year. I am honored to lead a fully committed, talented, and energetic board in service to the clients and employees of Caminar and the communities we serve. Thank you for joining us on this journey to improve the mental health and well-being of our clients and the community.

As I reflect on the past six years, it is gratifying to see how much progress we’ve made as an organization as we work to provide life-changing and life-saving treatment and care for our most vulnerable neighbors. A few highlights come to mind, including:

  • In 2019, we made a thoughtful, strategic, and excellent decision to hire Mark Cloutier as CEO. His leadership, especially through the pandemic and changes in Medi-Cal and service delivery, has been visionary and exceptionally effective. 

  • In 2020, under Mark’s guidance, we embarked on a strategic planning process that resulted in a three-year plan to help prioritize and seize opportunities that will serve our community and diversify revenues for our organization. Implementation of the strategic plan resulted in numerous organizational improvements. Of note are increased clinical sophistication, improved standardization of clinical practices across our organization, and enhanced client outcomes measurements and evaluation. I am excited to see the next strategic plan come to life in the coming year.  

  • On the topic of enhanced client outcomes measurements, I was very involved in the outcomes committee. We have made tremendous strides in clinical and client outcomes to demonstrate our impact on the community. It is satisfying to have a much clearer picture of how Caminar is truly changing lives by reducing homelessness, incarceration, and hospitalizations while improving mental health and well-being for our clients and the community. 

  • Finally, it was a delight to come together – in person – to celebrate the community and Caminar’s work at In Celebration with Caminar featuring Marlee Matlin this past October. Thank you to all who joined us in person and/ or with your support.

I wish to thank YOU for your ongoing and generous support of Caminar, our programs, our staff, and our clients. Thank you.

Barbara Patterson
Caminar Board Chair

Please see our Financials