Back to School 2019 with Caminar Supported Education

Fall semester begins August 15!

It’s back to school time!

Caminar Supported Education, in collaboration with San Mateo County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services, the College of San Mateo, and Skyline College, is pleased to present two courses for the fall 2019 semester.

Peer Counseling I

           An orientation and training course to develop peer counseling skills, emphasizing the experiential process of interpersonal communication as well as the theoretical perspectives. Exploration of community settings. Prepares students for a variety of career settings. explanation of the counseling process.

August 15 through December 5
Tuesday and Thursdays from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
College of San Mateo | Building 16, Room 102

Future Views

Workshops focusing on academic and career exploration. Explore  your personal strengths, determine your learning style, discover student resources.

August 15 through December 5
Tuesday and Thursdays from 2:00 - 2:45 p.m.
Skyline College | Building 1, Room 205


 Classes are offered free of charge and all instructional materials are provided.
To register or for more information, please contact

Chris Robinson, Caminar Supported Education Program Director | 650.393.8926


Congratulations to our Supported Education Class of 2019 Peer Counseling Program Graduates

Peer Counseling students, graduates, and instructors

Peer Counseling students, graduates, and instructors

On May 16, students in our Supported Education Program at the College of San Mateo gathered to celebrate the end of the semester. As well, they also joyously recognized the class of 2019 Peer Counseling Program graduates, those students who completed both semesters of the Peer Counseling classes.

Supported Education Director Chris Robinson welcomed each graduate to the front of the room and presented them with a certificate of achievement while the students applauded each other and their accomplishments. Students spoke of their appreciation of the program and offered a standing ovation for the instructors to express their gratitude. Mr. Robinson concluded the gathering by encouraging students to seek opportunities to use their newfound skills in peer counseling and to continue their education. He stated that Supported Education is a gateway to find connection, support, and skills for one’s next steps in life.

A collaboration between Caminar, San Mateo County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services, the College of San Mateo, and Skyline College, the Supported Education Program's purpose is to educate, empower, and expose clients to new experiences. We offer the Peer Support classes exclusively at the College of San Mateo, and the courses - and transportation - are provided at no cost.

The fall semester at the College of San Mateo begins on August 14. For more information or to enroll, please contact Chris Robinson at or 650.578.8691.

Congratulations to our most recent Peer Counseling Program graduates!

Special thanks to Jerry Hill for capturing the festivities in photos.

Back to School—and Back to Life—With Supported Education

Caminar’s Supported Education Peer Counseling Graduating Class of 2018

Caminar’s Supported Education Peer Counseling Graduating Class of 2018

Growing up with bipolar disorder, Sam faced significant struggles in his home and school life. Throughout his teenage years, he bounced between “out of home” placements, compounding his emotional trauma.

Sam’s challenges continued through early adulthood until he connected with Caminar’s services.

Recognizing that Sam was a bright and talented young man in need of community and direction, his case manager urged him to enroll in school and linked Sam with the experts in Caminar’s Supported Education Program.

The program’s Peer Counseling class at the College of San Mateo offered the perfect introduction to college life. Sam flourished in the class and found the confidence to continue his education. He then enrolled in the college’s Electronic Music program, where he learned to produce songs and shared his music at college performances.

Since graduating, Sam has joined the workforce and moved into his own apartment.

While continuing to experience life’s ups and downs, Sam works with his team at Caminar to manage his mental health condition, connect with community, and access the quality care that enables him to overcome challenges and continue moving toward his goals.

Thank you to all of our donors and funders who provide support that allows Sam, and other vulnerable members of our community, the opportunity to live their best lives.

Photography Group Captures the Local Landscape

Our Supported Education program offers wellness and art groups in all Caminar residential programs and at our San Mateo office. These groups help engage one in learning, introduce new skills, and improve an individual's quality of life.

The photography group meets weekly to learn more about the art of photography, hone skills, and take special outings to capture the local area.

Here are some lovely photographs from recent group trips along the bay. Enjoy!

Back to School With Caminar's Supported Education

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Caminar's Supported Education program presents Peer Counseling I, an orientation and training course to develop peer counseling skills, emphasizing the experiential process of interpersonal communication as well as the theoretical perspectives. 

Peer Counselling I is offered at the College of San Mateo from August 16 - December 6, 2018, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon until 1:00 PM. This course is offered at no cost, transportation is available, and the program is open to anyone with a desire to learn and engage in the educational process. 

For more information and to register, please contact Chris Robinson before August 16 at or 650.393.8926.

We look forward to going back to school with you!

Inclusive Fun in San Mateo County

On August 2, the San Mateo County Commission on Disabilities hosted the 1st Annual Inclusion Festival. Our Supported Education and Jobs Plus programs were delighted at the opportunity to attend this wonderful event at Burton Park in San Carlos. The team, including Chris Robinson and Jerry Hill from Supported Housing and Joseph Lazaro from Jobs Plus, enjoyed meeting community members, relating Caminar's mission, and sharing details on our programs that support and empower those in need.